Semi-Private Sessions in Caulfield North


Unleash Your Full Potential!

We've redefined the way you achieve your fitness goals. Say goodbye to mundane, one-size-fits-all workouts and embrace a program tailored just for you. Our semi-private squad is your secret weapon to a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant you.

🌟 What Is the StudioForty6 Difference? 🌟

Simply put, think of our semi-private squad as a group of up to four people performing their individually designed program, under the supervision of one of our experienced coaches. This allows you the hands-on assistance of one-on-one training but still with the community and togetherness that comes with training alongside others.

πŸ’² Better yet? It comes at half the cost of a private session! πŸ’²

πŸš€ The UNBREAKABLE 8-Week Program πŸš€

Our UNBREAKABLE 8-week program allows you to say goodbye to generic workouts! When you sign up, you'll receive personalised guidance that takes your unique fitness goals into account. Our coaches will help you achieve your best self, ensuring injury prevention and maximising results.

⏱️ Time is precious, especially with your busy schedule. That's why our program is structured to fit seamlessly into your daily routine. Say hello to efficient workouts that deliver fantastic results!

πŸ’ͺ What's Included in the Unbreakable Body Kickstarter Package? πŸ’ͺ

πŸ“‹ 1x Initial Movement Screening - Our starting point to understand your needs better.

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ 1 x Weekly Semi-Private Session for 8 weeks - Experience the attention of personal training within a supportive group setting.

πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ 1 x Weekly Group Session for 8 weeks - A little extra motivation.

And the bonuses? 🎁

🍎 Online Nutrition Course - Learn to fuel your body for peak performance.

⏰ 1x Daily Movement Program - Stay on track with a customised daily exercise plan.

Are you ready to transform your body and revolutionise your fitness journey? Join our Unbreakable Body squad today and experience the power of personalised training within a supportive community. Don't let your fitness goals wait - seize this opportunity to become the best version of yourself. Unleash the Unbreakable YOU! πŸ’ͺπŸ”“

Ask us for more detail and embrace the change.


Find Your Squad Today!

Starting to see the benefits of semi-private squad sessions? There’s never a better time than the present to sign up and try one out for yourself!

Take Your Training to the Next Level With StudioForty6

Whether you’re a fitness newcomer or a seasoned professional, training with a small group of dedicated, passionate people is a great way to stay motivated and keep kicking your goals. So, let our experienced team of fitness specialists work with you and your group to create a training regimen that specifically works for your needs and what you want to achieve. Simple, effective, and a fantastic way to keep yourself accountable to yourself. What’s there to lose? Sign up with StudioForty6 today.

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